Meet the Troop Officers (hover mouse over photos for names)
John Conlin, Troop Commander, Gold’s Dragoons
John serves as president of the mess at our dinners. After six years in the infantry with the Gurkha Rifles - arguably the finest light infantry in the world, but with no cavalry traditions - John decided to let a horse do the heavy lifting, although he has also tried out ostriches in South Africa, camels in Egypt and elephants in Nepal. An avid foxhunter and sometime jump racer, he attended the prestigious Whitfield Court polo school in Ireland but was sent down as unable to convert to the required right handed stroke. Overjoyed to discover that elephant polo permitted left-handers he adopted the sport and captained a USA team in Nepal.
Hugh Schoelzel, Board Member, Gold’s Dragoons
Hugh has acted as our Hon. Treasurer and Captain of Shooting. He has never played polo, hunted foxes or raced horses and claims that if God had wanted man to traverse the countryside on horseback He would not have invented aircraft. A former USAF jet fighter pilot, he may have found even that flying too tame for his sense of adventure. In his retirement he flew an original version of the English Channel-spanning Bleriot monoplane at the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome’s weekly air shows. Horrendously unstable in flight, his proudest achievement may be living to tell about it.
Ox Gara, “Mr. Vice”, Music Meister of Gold’s Dragoons polo
Ox serves as Vice President of the mess, known traditionally as "Mr. Vice". He served in the Ct. Guard Armored Cavalry and currently with the First Company, Governor's Foot Guard. After a lifetime of rifle shooting he took up sporting clays at Gold’s, confident that the Federal Government will not put clays on the endangered species list. At our polo matches he offers a palette of patriotic music with a decided militaristic slant and also organizes the Gold's Dragoons officers' mess tent.
Chester Burley, Hon. Treasurer, Gold’s Dragoons
Chester is a long time member of Gold's Dragoons and acts as our Hon. Treasurer. A former foxhunter in the finest cavalry tradition he continues that tradition in his dress. In a troop famous for its tailored mess jackets he stands out as a potential winner of a "Mr. Elegance" competition at any of our events.
Ronald Barnes, Master at Arms, Gold's Dragoons
Ron is commander of the Pawtuxet Rangers, an officer of the AHAC, the Centennial Legion and numerous other organizations with links to American military history. He is responsible for all historical weapons events including axe throwing, musketry training and cannon drills.
James Deangelis, board member, Gold's Dragoons
Jim has played all over the world and continues to call Yale Polo his home. Jim's career polo successes over the past four decades can be measured by the numerous victories, only to be matched by his broken bones and worn-out joints. His favorite polo trophy continues to be his blond-haired, blue-eyed wife.
Robert Kovacs, Membership Secretary
Robert is our Membership Secretary responsible for the troop muster roll and emailing to members. He was a rider in his youth, back in his native Austria, where the hills may have been alive with the sound of music but not to the thump of mallets and polo balls. Since moving to the USA - with lots of flat ground - he was introduced to polo and has become an avid spectator of the game.
Jeffery Wacker, Captain of Shooting
An avid pursuer of outdoor sports and clay shooting, Jeff organizes our sport clay shoots and shoot lunches and dinners. Still harboring a personal dream to lead the Society For The Preservation of Clay Pigeons, Jeff only keeps score when absolutely essential. His personal motto is "We are making this look harder than it is". Twice a year he holds the Gold's Dragoons challenge where a squad from Squadron A of New York City is invited to compete against the best Gold's Dragoons squad for an impressive silver trophy.
John Gelati, Polo Captain
John was recently appointed polo captain and is a life long polo player. He is "double hatted" as he continues to be the Quarter Master of Gold's Dragoons
John serves as president of the mess at our dinners. After six years in the infantry with the Gurkha Rifles - arguably the finest light infantry in the world, but with no cavalry traditions - John decided to let a horse do the heavy lifting, although he has also tried out ostriches in South Africa, camels in Egypt and elephants in Nepal. An avid foxhunter and sometime jump racer, he attended the prestigious Whitfield Court polo school in Ireland but was sent down as unable to convert to the required right handed stroke. Overjoyed to discover that elephant polo permitted left-handers he adopted the sport and captained a USA team in Nepal.
Hugh Schoelzel, Board Member, Gold’s Dragoons
Hugh has acted as our Hon. Treasurer and Captain of Shooting. He has never played polo, hunted foxes or raced horses and claims that if God had wanted man to traverse the countryside on horseback He would not have invented aircraft. A former USAF jet fighter pilot, he may have found even that flying too tame for his sense of adventure. In his retirement he flew an original version of the English Channel-spanning Bleriot monoplane at the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome’s weekly air shows. Horrendously unstable in flight, his proudest achievement may be living to tell about it.
Ox Gara, “Mr. Vice”, Music Meister of Gold’s Dragoons polo
Ox serves as Vice President of the mess, known traditionally as "Mr. Vice". He served in the Ct. Guard Armored Cavalry and currently with the First Company, Governor's Foot Guard. After a lifetime of rifle shooting he took up sporting clays at Gold’s, confident that the Federal Government will not put clays on the endangered species list. At our polo matches he offers a palette of patriotic music with a decided militaristic slant and also organizes the Gold's Dragoons officers' mess tent.
Chester Burley, Hon. Treasurer, Gold’s Dragoons
Chester is a long time member of Gold's Dragoons and acts as our Hon. Treasurer. A former foxhunter in the finest cavalry tradition he continues that tradition in his dress. In a troop famous for its tailored mess jackets he stands out as a potential winner of a "Mr. Elegance" competition at any of our events.
Ronald Barnes, Master at Arms, Gold's Dragoons
Ron is commander of the Pawtuxet Rangers, an officer of the AHAC, the Centennial Legion and numerous other organizations with links to American military history. He is responsible for all historical weapons events including axe throwing, musketry training and cannon drills.
James Deangelis, board member, Gold's Dragoons
Jim has played all over the world and continues to call Yale Polo his home. Jim's career polo successes over the past four decades can be measured by the numerous victories, only to be matched by his broken bones and worn-out joints. His favorite polo trophy continues to be his blond-haired, blue-eyed wife.
Robert Kovacs, Membership Secretary
Robert is our Membership Secretary responsible for the troop muster roll and emailing to members. He was a rider in his youth, back in his native Austria, where the hills may have been alive with the sound of music but not to the thump of mallets and polo balls. Since moving to the USA - with lots of flat ground - he was introduced to polo and has become an avid spectator of the game.
Jeffery Wacker, Captain of Shooting
An avid pursuer of outdoor sports and clay shooting, Jeff organizes our sport clay shoots and shoot lunches and dinners. Still harboring a personal dream to lead the Society For The Preservation of Clay Pigeons, Jeff only keeps score when absolutely essential. His personal motto is "We are making this look harder than it is". Twice a year he holds the Gold's Dragoons challenge where a squad from Squadron A of New York City is invited to compete against the best Gold's Dragoons squad for an impressive silver trophy.
John Gelati, Polo Captain
John was recently appointed polo captain and is a life long polo player. He is "double hatted" as he continues to be the Quarter Master of Gold's Dragoons
Officers of the Board of Directors of Gold’s Dragoons
John Conlin, Chairman of the Board, Troop commander
Late 6th Queen Elizabeth’s Own Gurkha Rifles
Chester Burley, Honorary Treasurer
Hugh Schoelzel
Charles “Ox” Gara, Mess Vice President
Late Ct. Guard Armored Cavalry
James DeAngelis, board member,
Robert Kovacs, Membership Secretary
John Gelati, Polo Captain
Other Troop Officers
Shooting Captain, Jeffery Wacker
Quartermaster, John Gelati
Fairfield Hunt Club liaison officer, Bill Harris
Provost Marshal, General Ed Kelly,
Late US Army
Pipe Major, Terence McGovern
Duty Piper, Michael Burgess
Troop Chaplain, The Right Rev. Robert Todd Giffin
Troop Deputy Chaplain, The Rev. Canon Sanford R. Sears
Judge Advocate, Gus Niewenhous,
Late Mass. National Guard, First Corps of Cadets
Master of Arms, Col. Ron Barnes
Affiliated Unit and Society Liaison Officers
The Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston – Capt. Al Mundo
The Equus Effect - John Gelati
First Company, Governors Foot Guard - Capt. C.L. (Ox) Gara
First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry - Frank Spano
Pawtuxet Rangers of Rhode Island - Col. Ron Barnes
Society of Colonial Wars - Chester Burley
Squadron A - Michael Witter
For membership inquiries - Ms. Julia Nelson, 212-861-6925
Veteran Association First Corps of Cadets - Gus Niewenhous
Veteran Corps of Artillery of New York – Sgt. Mjr. David Rogers
Victorian Military History Society - Col. Ron Barnes